Millon Dolla Bill. That was a ‘play’ name for what we wanted to achieve: One million dollars in the bank. The question is how to achieve just that.

Let’s call this day one.

I know many of you our there struggle just like I do. If only we had one more bill knocked out, a few dollars in our account or maybe, just maybe, a nice lottery win. Wouldn’t that be great! So far, it hasn’t. With that in mind, we go to work, punch the clock and hope the promise of a pension, a fabled social security check or maybe..just maybe..that lottery win will actually come through. The first two are promises. The last is a more of a dream.

Here I am. Well, we are…you and I. We are going to do better than just hope, we are going figure this out together. This blog is about our adventures together. Our goal is to get ourselves out of the rat race: the knock out that student loan, those medical bills, the car loan, the mortgage and just be free.

One million dollars should be able to take care of that.

On our way to Millon Dolla Bill…

Let’s call this: Day One.
